Friday, May 23, 2014


Dear 5th Grade,
It has been an absolute pleasure and privilege to be your teacher this year.  My prayer is that each of you will have a saving relationship with Jesus and that He would be your first love.  Have a wonderful and safe summer and I'll see you all in August.  Alexis, Bianca and Hannah, we will miss you three.  Please don't be stangers and keep in touch.  May God guide your paths and remain close to you.

Below are portions of your final Bible assessment.  I hope that this last post - along with the rest of the blog -  will be a reminder of who you were as 5th graders.  I am proud of you all and have thoroughly enjoyed watching you learn, grow and mature. 

The thing I have learned is that God has unending love and sometimes, if you do a bad thing, you might think God won't love you.  But, the way I looked at it this year is that Jesus died for us.  So, no matter what, God loves you because He see you like his Son.  So, we have nothing to worry about; his love is unending.

The main thing I've learned about this year is that God made us in his own image.  He created us to look like our own family.  If you have straight hair or curly hair it all comes from somebody in your family.

I learned that God created me like this for a reason.  He made me this way for a time in my life.  He has a plan for me in my life.  God will test my faith and love.  He made like this for something special.

I learned a lot things about God this year.  This is my lifst of things I learned about. 
1)  I learned that it's ok for God to get angry.  I always thought that God was very happy and never got angry but I learned that God can get very angry at people.
2)  I learned that God split himself from JEsus when Jesus died on the cross.  I always that that God never split himself from Jesus.  God is harsh about mistakes and sins for Pete's sake.  A man from Israel bragged that he had money then God took his money and the man died. 

I have learned many things this year about God and the Bible.  Oneof the most encouraging verses is 2 Corinthians 5:17.  This verse says for if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.  The old has gone and the new has come.  Also 1 Corinthians 13:1-3.  This verse says that if I can speak with human eloquence and angelic ecstacy but don't love, I'm tnothing, but the creaking of a rusty gate.  If I speak God's words revealing all of His mysteries and making everything as plain as day and have faith to say to a mountain jump and it jumps, but do not love I'm nothing.  If I give all I owe to the poor or even go to the stake to be burned as a martyr but don't love, I've gotten nowhere.  So no matter what I say, no matter what I do, I'm bankrupt without love.  Those have encouraged me majorly.

At home, my Mom and I were discussing repentance.  Now most people (including me) think repentance is just saying sorry.  But really, repentance is saying sorry and...never doing it again.  The first time I did something wsronga nd said sorry, but honestly, I could care less.  The second time, I finally learned what repentance really is.  If you are really sorry, your actions will show it.  There was a verse in 1 John that I recite everyday...most of the time.  1 Joh 1:0 says, "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive our sins and purigy us from all righteousness."  That verse has completely changed my life.

One thing that I learned about God is that he's merciful and forgiving from our sin.  If Jesus hadn't died for us we would have to kill animals as sacrifice.

On March 6, 2014, Julia and Tessa talked about Proud Guy and Humble Guy.  Proud Guy uses his eyes to see himself, he uses his mouth to brag, he uses his ears to hear himself, he uses his hands to fight and feet to throw a temper tantrum.  Now, Humble Guy uses his eyes to look at other people, mouth to encourage, ears to hear other peoplpe, hands to help, and feet to go help other people.  God is like Humble Guy.  I can apply this to my life by trying to be like Humble Guy.

As a child of God I learned that God is the one God and that he is the salt and the light.  God is my savior.  YOu have not been saved until you accept God as your savior.  As a child of God, I have learned so many things about my faith and trust in the Lord.  In the Bible, I've really taken the verse, love you God with all your heart, mind, sould, and strength because it says love God no matter what.

One thing I've learned as a child of God is that I'm loved by God.  In the Bible it says that God loves us no matter what happens.  He has loved us even when Adam and Eve sinned.  He is love us right now even thought there is a lot of messed up things in this world and He will never stop loving us even when the world ends and we go up to live with Him.

One main things that I learned about being a child of God is that I used to be a sinner.  I still am but then I found Christ.  Jesus took away my sins.  I am white as snow because of Jesus.  I now have to take on the sacrifice of being a Christian.  For example, being teased or bullied for my faith but I still love Jesus with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength.

I have learned being a child of God has helped me to believe in God as a stronger Christian.

One thing I have learned this year about God is how powerful He is.  2 Corinthians 13:4 says, "For to be sure, he was crucified in weakness, yet he lives by God's power.  Likewise, we are weak in Him, yet by God's power we will live with him in dealing with you."

Friday, May 16, 2014

Spelling List for Monday's Test

1.  tail
2.  wood
3.  provision
4.  beauty
5.  exception
6.  prescription
7.  settle
8.  athletic
9.  tragic
10.  cleanliness
11.  soften
12.  conquests
13.  request
14.  critical
15.  puppies
16.  deserve
17.  thief
18.  discouragement
19.  peacefully
20.  disposal
21.  medic
22.  expose
23.  intensive
24.  finished
25.  finally
26.  benches
27.  dispose
28.  misinformed
29.  production
30.  realistic
31.  spherical
32.  transfer
33.  transgression
34.  trickiest
35.  wishes

Thursday, May 8, 2014

We are praying for you and missing you Bianca.

Father God,
Be with Bianca as she goes through hard times and put your healing hand on her.  Amen

I hope the doctors figure out what is happening to you.  I do not know how much pain you are in.  I hope you get better and God is with you.  
Your friend, 

Dear Bianca,
I'm really really sorry you have these headaches.  If I could, I would totally switch spots with you so you'd be able to enjoy the school year.  I'm thinking about you alot.  In fact, my Mom has been so worried, she added your name to our prayer list.  I hope the next medicine the doctor picks out for ou will take away all the pain.  Just pray to God and He'll take care of Everything.
Your friend,

Hi!!!  Bianca,
Get Well!
I hope you feel better and I hope your headaches go away.  I wish you could come back to school.  The doctors better take care of you or else...hahaha!  I hope you get well soon.  I miss you.  I hope you have a fashionable hospital clothes.  I hope I see you before the end of the year...always next year maybe!!  I am praying for you to get well okay?!
Your Good Friend,

Dear Bianca,
I hope you will get better and that God will ehlp you get through this.  We all miss you and can't wait until you come back.  I know it must be hard being there in the hopsital with no one to talk to.  But yet, I am looking forward to the summer.  We'll have to get together (remember the song summer and the cute Olaf from Frozen?)  I can't wait to see you again.  So get better.
From your Friend,

Dear Bianca,
My family and I are praying for you every night.  I pray that the doctors will find out the problem and that they will give you the right medicine to help you get better.  I want you to know that the whole class is praying that you get better.  I have aunts, uncles and some cousins praying for you too.  I'm very sorry you have to go through this.

To Bianca,
I hope you get better soon.  Remember, God is with you always.  Stary strong and push through and when you are better, I hope you get some rest.
Your friend, 

Dear Bianca,
I hope you feel better soon.  SO sorry that you have to go through all this pain.  Our class, my family and my friends are all praying for you hadn hoping that you will be relieved from your headaches.  Just remember, God is with you and will guide you through these tough times.  Hope you feel better.

Lord God,
Can you heal Bianca and help the doctors to find out how to get rid of her headache that she has had for nine months straight?

Dear Bianca,
I hope you get better soon.  I have been praying for you.  My whole family is too.  If you don't mind, I am going to pray for you right now!  Dear God, I pray for Bianca and that she will get better and doctors will find out what's wrong with her head.  I pray that you will grow in her heart more and more each and every day.  Amen.

Dear Bianca,
I miss you being at school.  I am praying non stop and will continue to pray.  I hope that the next medicine you take will work.  I hope you feel better.
Your friend,
Olivia Everts

Dear God,
I hope Bianca will get better and the new medication works and she would get better by next week.  I hope she would be healed.

Dear Bianca,
We all miss you so much.  I am so sorry that you have to go through this but be reminded that God is always with you and He always has a purpose for all things.  I pray that you would hold on to him in these difficult times and that you would be able to look back one day and see His goodness.  We are praying for you daily in class and trust that these prayers would be answered.  Perhaps if you have your iPad, we can Facetime you?  Email and let me know!  
Mr. Goh

Friday, May 2, 2014

Tropicana Order

Hi 5th Grade,

Your goal is to wake up this audience! 

For those who are checking the blog this weekend, here is the order for the Tropicana speeches on Monday.  Practice, practice, practice, makes perfect! 

1.       Greg Dristiliaris

2.       Alexis Watts

3.       Beau Russ

4.       Chase Heymans

5.       Olivia Everts

6.       Josh Nelson

7.       Emily Ensing

8.       Leah Vardaman

9.       Leighton Stack

10.   Isa Albarece

11.   Dylan Marble

12.   MaKenzi Yamrose

13.   Bianca Dvorsky