Friday, October 25, 2013

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe Unit Test - Study Sheet

LWW Test

1. Vocabulary

-       Mix and match (5 marks)

-       Part of speech, define in your own words and you need to use the word in a sentence (5 words x 3 marks = 15 marks total)

e.g. Mr. Goh is golfing this afternoon with Mr. Nelson at Brentwood golf course. 

Part of Speech:  verb

Define:  Crazy game where men chase after a white little ball in a feeble attempt to put it into a small hole. 

Use it in a sentence:  Golfing with Mr. Goh is super fun because I like to watch him get angry as he tries to put this little white ball into a hole.

2. Speech Recognition (5 quotations x 3 marks  =  15 marks total)


Speaker?  Who is being spoken to?  What is happening in the story when this is said?


"What do they teach kids in school these days?"

Speaker:  Professor

Who is being spoken to:  Susan, Peter

What is happening:  Peter and Susan are concerned about Lucy because she continues to insist that Narnia is real.  They go to the professor to talk to him about it.


3. Short answer responses (4 questions x 5 marks = 20 marks total)

-       The socratic questions of my choice.

è  Please rephrase questions

è  Check carefully that you answer all parts of the question

è  Give direct evidence from the novel

è  4 sentences long


e.g. Define exposition.  What do you think is the exposition in the novel.  Make direct reference to the novel.


4. Paragraph response


a)         Define allegory.  Describe 3 similarities between the Bible and the novel that show how LWW is an allegory.

b)        Choose one of the four children.  How is their character directly or indirectly described in the novel.  Explain how their royal title (i.e. P the Magnificent, SS the Gentlethe Gneltel

S the Gentle, E the Just and L the Valiant) is appropriate.

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