Thursday, December 5, 2013

Who's excited about the Barnes and Noble trip?

Hi 5th Grade,

Who is excited to go on this field trip tomorrow???  Personally, I can't wait.  Here are a few reminders.

1)  You must be in school uniform.

2)  Please bring at least $8 for lunch.  You may want to bring more if you plan to make purchases at the bookstore.

3)  Bring your backpack to school tomorrow.  We'll pack bags and handout Friday Folders before we leave.

4)  If you plan on being dismissed directly from Ocala, I will dismiss you directly to your parents only.  If you have another arrangement, I must have a written note from your parents.

If you or your parents have any questions, or need to contact us while we're in Ocala, my phone number is 352-563-8026.


  1. Mr.Goh I need my homework for Monday because I am not going to be here on Monday and I am trying to get my homework done right now because I wont be able to do it on Monday I will be really tired and wont be able to do anything I will be soooo tired cause that is the day my E.E.G is So please if you get a chance please email my mom or post my homework on the blog so I can get my homework done tonight........thanks

  2. mak why are you having an E.E.G?

  3. please do not call me mak do u now what a E.E.G is???????
