Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Chapel Reflections

Here are your chapel reflections from Mrs. Glessner's sharing last Thursday.  Read all the reflections.  Comments on 3.

How can I, as a 5th grader, love the unloved?

I can talk to them and be their friend.  I can love them, just like God loved me.  I can encourage them in everything they do.  And finally, I can encourage them to love Jesus.

I can make them feel good if people laught at them.  I can make them happy so they will not be sad, mad or upset.  People laugh or stare at people with disorders sometimes.  You wouldn't like it if people stared at you.  You want to make sure you can comfort them the best YOU can.  You also want to protect them from getting hurt and getting hurt feelings from other people.

All humans are equal adn we are all the same in many ways so we should treat others with love.  Don't just tolerate those people.  You should love them  even if they have different likes, opinions, or live differently because they are children of God.  I can be their freind and teach them the gosepl.

I can stand up top people who are bullied.  People who have disoreders are not treated with the same respect as normal people.  They are laughed at and made fun of.  I can show them kindness and love.  In society, today , people who simply have black skinare sometimes treated unfairly.

I can love the unloved by helping them when they are being hurt by other people.  I can be their friend when the have none.  I can help them when they need help.  I can care for them when they need caring.  Most of all, I will love them when they need love and I will be there for them when they need me.  But why do I do this?  I do it because God first love me and you and everyone!!!!

You just have to love them even if they're the worst of the worst.  You get to bring them closer to God so he can turn them from worst from the worst to a person who loves God.

I can love the unloved by being their friend and enjoying being with them.  I can also talk to them and play a game with them.  I can also pray with them and worship with them.

When I walk by a a disabled person, I will not stare at them; instead, I will be nice to them.  I can become their friend and love them if they need me.  I could hang out with them instead of haging out with the people who are loved.

God loved us first so if we love one another, it means that we have Jesus.

This is how I can love the unloved.  I won't stare at them because it will make him/her uncomfortable.  If I know somebody with a diability and the parents tell me to watch him/her, I will do it with a good heart and wonderful attitude even if I don't feel like it.  Because I am a Christian, I must love them like God loves us.


  1. i liked Emilys because she said she wouldnt act like shes better than them and would treat them the same. ;)

  2. i also liked Greg's because he says were not better than them and bring them closer to God.

  3. i like Leighton's because she said everyone is the same and we should love them because they are God's children

  4. I like Leighton's because she said everyone is equal and we should love hem because they are God's children

  5. I believe Emily's is very well written and I love it when she said that any person should hang out or help a disorder instead of trying to be cool and hang out with the people with out disorders.

  6. I also like lexi's answer because I love it when she said in her response that people with disorders feel the same feelings when somebody stares at them or hurts their feelings.

  7. Don't forget this is for homework
    Even though mr.goh didn't put in in the agenda.

  8. I like lexi's because she would show kindness to people with disorders instead of staring at them

  9. I liked Emily's because it is true we should hang out with the people who are not loved

  10. I liked Leighton's bc we shouldn't tolerate disabled people we should love them. It's true everyone is equal and God made all of us.

  11. WhAt is the question for the historical fiction paragraph

  12. On MLK day I watch a short movie called
    Our Friend Martin and it was very inspiring and made me cry a lot. The movie showed pictures and videos and it explained what was going on then and it showed police men shooting the colored people with water and sending their dogs to attack the blacks. I encourage my friends, classmates, and teachers to watch this movie and reflect on it and during it ask yourself
    What would I have done if I were a black person and had to suffer like that and always be scooted away from major events?

  13. I asked my self that question and I even told my family about it and they all started crying too.

  14. And that day was very emotional!

  15. Thay r all so good !!and it is so hard to diside who wrote the best of all! I think who I liked the most was Leightion's becous she wrote that everone is the same and that we are all Gods childarn.that is why I like leightion's the best!!!!!!

  16. I liked leightons lexis isas the best and leahs and emilys and dylans and gregs and olivias and mine and everybodys I cant choose whose I like the best
