Tuesday, January 28, 2014

HW for Chase

Hey Chase,
Sorry you missed today.  Hope you feel better and can come to school tomorrow.
Here is your HW.  It's really light b/c of the Annual Address and Art Show tonight.
1)  AR
2)  Enterprise Village - 1 to 3 job applications are due tomorrow
3)  Come to the Annual Address at 6:30 (SRPC Sanctuary)


  1. What is the name of the cashiers for the CVS Pharmacy called on the paper that lists the job and the things that the jobs do???

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. hello i heard you were reading about me and doing a journal assignment

  4. Can you post the homework because I forgot my Agenda at school. :(

  5. Mr. Goh can you post the homework!!!!!!

  6. math lesson number 53 written and lesson practice ar the new colouss tommrow

  7. interview parents questions are 1.which bank are you a customer at?
    2.why did you choose this bank?
    3.how do banks money? and then list each questions for answers a b and c

    a.through a credit card how? b.through a savings account how? c.other finaincal services and how?

  8. Thanks MaKenzi
